Friday, November 18, 2011

Learn From My Fails

Just as the title suggests, I want you to learn from my fails. The most prominent one this week occurred during spin class. I definitely pushed myself WAY too hard. It was forty-five minutes of intense cycling and I pushed through the entire class.  Even now I am having trouble walking... I did stretch before and after, but that's my first intense workout in years and I don't think my thighs were ready for it.

Every night since then, aside from last night, I was waking up every time I moved my legs because the pain was so intense. I read online that working out the way I did can cause moderate sized tears in your muscles and you need to give them time to heal.

It was on the livestrong website, I don't think it was in this particular article, but it still contains valuable information that everyone should follow.

As a result, I skipped Zumba on Thursday. But I did lift weights and work on my arms on Wednesday! I was supposed to lift weights again today but my gym buddy bailed. Instead, I jogged for two miles. I kinda regret it since I'm still walking funny, but it felt good to get outside. It was in the low 60s today and with strong winds it felt wonderful against my face.

Now! The moment you all have been waiting for,  my weigh in. So when I weighed myself a few minutes ago, I was exactly at 250 pounds. I know, not good, right? I think I'm exercising enough, I'm just not eating right. See, I was doing a special job for my work that required me to work away from the office, so I would usually be forced to eat fast food. Luckily this week was the last week and now that I will be back at the office, I can bring a lunch and keep it fresh in the break room! So I definitely hope to see results next week. Even though I basically was in the mud spinning my wheels this week, I just need to try harder! Stay POSITIVE. I'm already doing so much good for my body but getting her moving.

I've also decided to record my inches so that I can better track progress. There may be weeks where I don't lose weight, but lose inches.

Below chest: 43in
Arms: 15.7in
Hip, below stomach fat: 49in
Belly button: 54.5

So yeah, not pretty, right? I just can't wait until a year from now where those numbers are completely different from what I will be then.

One more thing before I let you go, tonight I am making veggie burgers with a friend. I will be taking pictures and uploading them on to my Facebook page, so please go there to read all about my adventures in the kitchen!

Until next time!

1 comment:

  1. From one weight loss blogger to another, congradulations on all your achievements. I was sent here from fat2fit radio. I hope you strength in staying steadfast to your goals and inspiration. Keep up the good work.
