Saturday, October 29, 2011


That's one very important thing that you need to have. Perseverance. Something I am struggling to obtain. I was supposed to work out this past Friday, but after my gym buddy decided to not show up without telling me, I skipped. Now, it's not like I can get there on my own, my car's rear window was smashed and now I can't drive it.

Hopefully I can get it fixed within the next week. Also, I'm going to a spin class this Tuesday, which I'm really looking forward to. 

There really isn't anything new to report now, other than the fact that I'm only going to weight myself every Friday. Which I'm not looking forward to this week. I kinda sorta have been eating ice cream and sugary cereal. I tried to make oatmeal and due to the lack of culinary skills, it didn't go so well. I did make pasta for lunch and dinner yesterday. Which, isn't that healthy, but it's definitely better than Taco Bell.

Speaking of, I'm having a hard time fighting my cravings. I was watching How I Met Your Mother today (I know, I'm a dork), and it was the episode about New York's greatest burger, and I totally want Five Guys. 

Thursday, October 27, 2011

And So it Begins

With every new journey, there is hardship. Today? Today is MY day. I know that for a while, if not for the entire life of this blog, I'm going to mostly be talking to myself.  But for now, I'm content to ramble on.

I know, this country is in a serious need of a work out. Trust me, I'm one of them. I've been over weight for nearly my entire life, save for my first eight years of life. I've always been the fat kid, the one people never talked to, the one that always sat by themselves in elementary school and partially middle school. I was lucky, though. I met a few people in middle school and through them, I branched out with a big group of friends. Some people would call me a social butterfly. 

Today, I weighed myself at 251 pounds. I know, crazy, right? I am going to take charge of my health and make sure I lose this weight. I'm going to allow anyone to follow me, even if the only thing they do is make fat jokes, as I pour blood, sweat, and tears, into becoming healthy. 

You can only lose weight by exercising and eating healthy. So, for my first step, I went to the gym and did an hour and a half of zumba today!

I won't lie, while it is fun, it's thoroughly embarrassing if you can't dance. I am very awkward when it comes to shaking that booty, which is basically what we did the entire class. It wasn't very intense, but that's because I don't know the moves and struggled to follow the instructor.  I'm hoping that as I go to every Thursday class, I will learn the dances and be able to adequately work out.  

As far as eating healthy... Let's just say the fruity pebbles for breakfast and the taco bell for lunch probably cancelled out any calories I burned today. But I plan on eating fruit and veggies for dinner. That helps, right?