Monday, November 14, 2011

Just Walking it Out

So, I wanted to have something that could easily track my workouts so that I can share them with you guys. I have a smartphone, so instead of spending $100 on some kind of sports watch, I bought this app. Well, first I tried the free version, liked it, and THEN bought it. It's pretty awesome and it was only $4.99. I'm not trying to sell anything here, so unless you guys specifically ask for the name, I'm not going to include it.

But basically it tracks you via GPS and so far I have logged two workouts with it.  I'm going to post them here.

WalkingNov 13, 20111.41 mi44m:49s

WalkingNov 14, 20112.25 mi54m:33s

I know the times don't look that great, but these are my first official workouts, I just hope I can improve time and speed. Granted, I had my dog with me and he is a beast. He kept making me stop, so I could probably shave a few minutes off of them. I won't lie, my legs hurt. Especially since I didn't stretch, I know I should, but I feel ashamed when my belly fat gets in the way.  I am going to stretch after posting this, and you should make sure to stretch before and after every workout.

If anyone is reading this, what music do you listen to while working out? Do you have a playlist or do you put your MP3 player on shuffle and just go? I need some new songs, so if you have any good suggestions, feel free to drop me a comment!

I almost forgot! I have some exciting news, I decided to bring this blog to Facebook. While here on Blogger I will write about my exercises, I am going to use Facebook to post about my nutrition and share any recipes I find. I think this week I'm going to try and make a good veggie burger from scratch.

Here is the link in case anyone is interested.

I'm excited about my weigh in this Friday. Cross your fingers and hope I've made progress to living a healthy lifestyle. Until next time!

1 comment:

  1. If you change your lifestyle too fast, these processes stays in the old way for some time and your body will have deficiency of some important substances, that was made based on your previous lifestyle.

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