Wednesday, November 30, 2011

In the Mud, Spinning Wheels

I still haven't made any progress. Well, I lost a pound. But I thought I would have lost more than that by now. I'm still exercising, I'm still eating right. For the most part at least...  I think it's protein. I don't think I'm getting enough protein. Do you guys have any suggestions? I'm kinda retarded when it comes to cooking meat, so I just avoid it. The only protein I've been getting is two to three eggs each day. I don't think that's enough. I might start making black beans a part of my diet now.

1 comment:

  1. Add Greek Yogurt to your diet. The best kind is nonfat, no sugar. It packs about 20 grams of protein for 1 cup. It is an acquired taste but I love it and add veggies or fruit to it. I also put it in my oatmeal and add agave nectar which is much better for you than honey or sugar.
